Kanji RTK - Characters Vocabulary-1-21-5

Kanji from Remembering the Kanji, via the list at: https://github.com/sdcr/heisig-kanjis
Characters vocabulary.
The content vocabulary study items are displayed below.
English Japanese Japanese-Kana Japanese-Romaji
bullet ダン; タン,ひ.く; -ひ.き; はず.む; たま; はじ.く; はじ.ける; ただ.す; はじ.きゆみ bow; simple; owl; rice field; brains; ten; needle
cherry tree オウ; ヨウ,さくら tree; wood; owl; woman
animal ジュウ,けもの; けだもの owl; rice field; brains; one; mouth; chihuahua; dog; large; drop
brain ノウ; ドウ,のうずる moon; month; flesh; part of the body; owl; villain; sheaf; shovel
trouble ノウ,なや.む; なや.ます; なや.ましい; なやみ Freud; state of mind; owl; villain; sheaf; shovel
stern ゲン; ゴン,おごそ.か; きび.しい; いか.めしい; いつくし owl; cliff; daring; spike; ear; taskmaster
chain サ,くさり; とざ.す metal; gold; small; shellfish; clam; oyster; eye; animal legs; eight
raise キョ,あ.げる; あ.がる; こぞ.る owl; tool; hand
reputation ヨ,ほま.れ; ほ.める owl; tool; say; words; keitai; mouth
game hunting リョウ; レフ,かり; か.る pack of wild dogs; anemometer; owl; wind; cornstalk
bird チョウ,とり white; dove; one; tail feathers
chirp メイ,な.く; な.る; な.らす mouth; bird
crane カク,つる turkey house; bird
crow ウ; オ,からす; いずくんぞ; なんぞ drop; mouth; one; tail feathers
vine チョウ,つた flowers; bird
pigeon キュウ; ク,はと; あつ.める nine; baseball; bird
chicken ケイ,にわとり; とり claw; vulture; husband; bird
island トウ,しま bird; mountain
warmth ダン; ノン,あたた.か; あたた.かい; あたた.まる; あたた.める sun; day; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
beautiful woman エン,ひめ woman; migrating ducks; claw; vulture; one; friend
20 items.
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